HCCC Students Tour NBPD Headquarters and Learn About Police Work Firsthand
Police Chief Robert Dowd and members of the North Bergen Police Department met on Tuesday, Mar. 5, 2019 with students from Hudson County…

Police Chief Robert Dowd and members of the North Bergen Police Department met on Tuesday, Mar. 5, 2019 with students from Hudson County Community College to discuss various aspects of law enforcement and to tour the NBPD headquarters.
Professor Richard Walker brought 18 students from his Ethics & Criminal Justice class to get some firsthand exposure to police work. Chief Dowd kicked off the visit with an in-depth presentation on the challenges and responsibilities the officers face on a daily basis, followed by a Q&A session in which the students posed numerous tough and thoughtful questions.
One of the highlights for the students was the tour of the facility, led by Lt. Thomas Ferrari and Sgt. Anthony Caramucci. The visit took the students through the cells, the property/evidence room, the CCTV monitoring room, the detective bureau, and more, introducing them to different officers along the way, who explained the details of their jobs and experiences, providing valuable information and insights about real-life police operations.