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Executive Order: Union City Officially Transitions to Union County



In a bold and unprecedented move, Mayor Brian P. Stack of Union City has officially signed an executive order to align the city’s governance under Union County, citing a desire for “naming continuity” and an escape from the political unrest that has long characterized Hudson County.

This executive decision, revealed in a statement early this morning, proposes a radical shift in county affiliation, a move that has both intrigued and puzzled constituents and political observers alike.

Mayor Stack, in his announcement, expressed his belief that this change is in the best interest of Union City’s future. “By signing this executive order, we’re not just changing our address; we’re redefining our identity. This is a step towards a more united and cohesive community, where the values and name of Union City are fully aligned with those of Union County,” Mayor Stack stated.

The reaction from Union County was unexpectedly positive, with County Executive Edward T. Oatman expressing delight over the proposed shift. “We are thrilled at the prospect of welcoming Mayor Stack and the 10,000+ loyal voters of Union City into our county,” Oatman commented. “This unique opportunity not only strengthens Union County’s political landscape but also enriches our community with the vibrant culture and spirit of Union City residents.”

The announcement has sparked a flurry of discussions regarding the logistical and legal challenges of such a transition. However, both Mayor Stack and County Executive Oatman have assured the public that careful planning and legal consultations are underway to ensure a smooth transition for the residents of Union City, considering that this is an April Fools joke.

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