Jersey City could begin facing daily fines starting Saturday for refusing to reinstate two police officers whose terminations over their...
In a landmark verdict, U.S. Senator Robert Menendez has been convicted on multiple corruption charges, marking a significant chapter in New Jersey’s political history. The charges...
In a tragic turn of events in Jersey City, what was initially reported as a shooting incident with two injured has escalated to a homicide investigation...
Residents of Hudson County experienced a rare jolt this morning as a magnitude 4.7 earthquake, with its epicenter 2 miles from Tewksbury, NJ, occurred at 10:23...
JERSEY CITY, N.J. — Norelis Mendoza, a 32-year-old mother from Jersey City, has been missing since May 13, 2023. However, a tragic turn in the case...
JERSEY CITY, N.J. — A deadly collision near the intersection of Kennedy Boulevard and St. Pauls Avenue in Jersey City has resulted in major disruptions for...
The Hudson County Prosecutor’s Office Homicide Unit and the Jersey City Police Department are investigating a fatal shooting that occurred on Danforth Avenue in Jersey City....
Firefighters in Jersey City responded to a three-alarm brush fire that quickly escalated and extended into a warehouse located at 1 Cavenpoint Ave. The blaze, which...
In a tragic incident that occurred in Jersey City, New Jersey, a six-year-old child suffered severe injuries after falling out of a fifth-floor window. The child...
The Jersey City community is in shock following the death of beloved resident and teacher, Luz Hernandez. The 33-year-old mother of three was found deceased on...