Fight amongst friends, North Bergen Mayoral Future
Disclaimer: The following information has been gathered from a few of HudPost’s most trusted sources. Statements can be regarded as…

Disclaimer: The following information has been gathered from a few of HudPost’s most trusted sources. Statements can be regarded as subjective speculation and does not reflect the opinions of HudPost as an entity or any of its journalists in particular. Most readers can recall the previously released article, “Meet North Bergen’s Next Mayor”, that quickly gained traction and caught the attention of the local community. HudPost and the columnist who penned the positive piece received backlash including from the man himself, Commissioner Anthony Vainieri. One of the many text we received after releasing that article read, “Take down the article! I never asked for this!” Vainieri shared with HudPost that he had no intention of being Mayor and that he did not approve that article. But our insiders tell us a different story. This story in particular includes Hugo Cabrera, who sits on the Board of Commissioner of North Bergen. It is said that Mayor Sacco is looking at a future that no longer includes him as the Mayor. “Cabrera is Sacco’s choice but Vaineri really wants the seat,” says our anonymous source. “What may feel like a one-two punch, Valerie Huttle [sister of Vainieri] just lost an election where she received no endorsement from Senator Sacco.” Well readers, while it seems there is some in-fighting going on at the moment, don’t get too excited about a split ticket just yet. Joey Muniz, a Sacco political operative, is also rumored to be one of the next commissioners in North Bergen as well. And he may be the piece of the puzzle that indirectly decides what happens in our dear town. In Hudson County every citizen is a HudPost reporter…
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