Life Sentence for North Bergen Musician

Christopher Macias, 35, from North Bergen, has been sentenced to 18 years-to-life in prison for raping two college students.
“While we cannot erase what happened, I hope there is some sense of closure knowing Christopher Macias is being held accountable for the brutal crimes he committed,” said District Attorney Bragg. “My Office is here to fully assist anyone who has been the survivor of sexual abuse, and I urge anyone who has experienced this type of violence to call us at 212-335-9373.”
In September 2021, using his car, Macias committed heinous crimes against two college women. His conviction on charges including Predatory Sexual Assault and Rape in The First Degree.
During the trial, evidence showed that in September 2021, Macias committed two separate assaults. The first incident occurred on September 6, when Macias, under the pretense of a business meeting, took a college freshman to dinner and later assaulted her in his car on the FDR Drive around 10:30 p.m. The second assault happened on September 18, involving a senior college student and coworker of Macias. After her shift at the club where they worked, Macias drove her to the corner of Washington Square North and MacDougal Street in Greenwich Village. There, around 4:57 a.m., he assaulted her twice in his vehicle. During this attack, the survivor attempted to resist, resulting in physical injuries including a bleeding ear and a swollen arm.