New Bill Sponsored by Nicholas Sacco Requires DNA Samples for Child Pornography Arrests
Mayor Nicholas Sacco, among others, sponsored a bill signed into law by Governor Phil Murphy. This bill, S3078, requires DNA collection…

Mayor Nicholas Sacco, among others, sponsored a bill signed into law by Governor Phil Murphy. This bill, S3078, requires DNA collection from those arrested for child pornography offenses. The bill ensures that this crime is treated as other heinous crimes are; with utmost seriousness.
DNA collection is required for any form of sexual assault arrests, as well as arrests centered around kidnapping, and enticing and/or luring children. Having the DNA samples allow the criminal databases to be expanded upon, which can help lead to the arrests of future criminals.
The senators and assembly members that sponsored this bill said that any connection to child pornography is a threat to children, and the offenders that possess, distribute, or produce this material should be treated as predatory criminals. Bill S3078 has the safety of New Jersey’s children in mind, and the Mayor’s sponsorship has helped to move in the right direction.