Holiday Season Kicks Off with Tree Lighting in Braddock Park
Santa Claus rode into Braddock Park on Wednesday, Nov 28, 2018 not on a sleigh pulled by reindeer but on a Hudson County Sheriff’s…

Santa Claus rode into Braddock Park on Wednesday, Nov 28, 2018 not on a sleigh pulled by reindeer but on a Hudson County Sheriff’s vehicle, waving to the revelers who came for the 2nd annual holiday tree lighting.

Despite a frosty pre-winter chill, a sizable crowd gathered to watch Santa and his pal, Freeholder Anthony Vainieri, throw the switch to illuminate the 22-foot Norwood Spruce at the Palisade Avenue entrance to the park.

Joining the festivities were County Executive Thomas DeGise, North Bergen Mayor Nicholas Sacco and Commissioners Hugo Cabrera, Julio Marenco, Frank Gargiulo, and Allen Pascual, Assemblywoman Angelica Jimenez, Assemblyman Pedro Mejia, Guttenberg Mayor Wayne Zitt, Hudson County Sheriff Frank Schillari, and many, many more local officials.
The North Bergen High School Chorus regaled the crowd with joyful holiday carols, while under a large tent Rose’s Italian Deli dispensed free hot chocolate, cookies, and pastries. The festivities ended with families snapping photos under the tree alongside Santa and Mayor Sacco.