Letter to the Editor: You Are ‘Right On’

Dear Editor,
Thank you for the article about the Braddock Park diversion. You are “right on” at the end where you wrote “the growing opposition from neighboring towns may add pressure for alternatives to be explored.”
North Bergen sabotaged multiple plans that it made to remove the preschool from Braddock Park. North Bergen agreed to remove the preschool from the park no later than 08-31-21. Viable alternatives still exist which North Bergen speciously and hypocritically rejected and NJ DEP failed to investigate credible evidence why North Bergen’s alternatives analysis should have been rejected.
The issue is not whether or not a preschool provides a significant public benefit or satisfies a compelling need – a preschool does. But is not supposed to be in Braddock Park. And NJ DEP failed to obey and enforce State diversion regulations.
Robert Walden, North Bergen Resident