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Harrison Councilman Michael Dolaghan Retires After Five Decades of Service



Michael Dolaghan, a longtime public servant in Harrison, has officially resigned from his role as Fourth Ward Councilman and as Supervisor of Maintenance and Director of Facilities for the Board of Education. His resignation was effective November 1, 2024, and was announced on November 25 in a hand delivered letter to The Observer.

“Thank you for your support and confidence shown in me through the years,” Dolaghan wrote in the letter, addressing Fourth Ward residents. “It was a partnership based on mutual respect that I am proud, blessed, grateful, and honored to have been a part of.”

Dolaghan, 75, served on the council for over 30 years, including 28 years leading the Department of Public Works, buildings, and grounds.

The process to select Dolaghan’s replacement will involve the Harrison Democratic County Committee nominating three candidates. The Town Council will then vote to appoint one of them, requiring a majority vote. If no decision is made, the seat could remain vacant until a special election in November 2025.
