Live Updates: Everything we know about the West New York shooting/ Todo lo que sabemos del tiroteo de West New York
Live update on West New York shooting

West New York residents are still shaken up after a shooting on 59th and Hudson, which is believed to have started around 7 or 8 pm.
Here’s what we know so far:
-Hudson County SWAT was present.
-At least one suspect was killed.
-Police presence is to be expected for about 48-72 hours due to investigation.
-The New Jersey Attorney General is expected to give a statement on Monday.
-A man left a house on 59th and began shooting police and a witness. The witness’s condition is unknown.
-Emelissa Aquino was walking to the West New York Middle School around 7 pm. “I had heard about what was going on, but to be honest, I thought it was already resolved since the street were filled with so many cops…I got to the middle school at 7:21. The school prevented anyone’s entrance or exit. And the cops were telling all the parents to leave the area. I was told they got the guys so I felt more at peace but then more rumors started rising around the situation and I didn’t know what to believe.”
-There is still no comment or statement from the mayor.
-David Silva was at the middle school attending the Memorial High School’s Performing Arts Academy’s dance show when the shooting happened. He says, “Honestly, yesterday was something I hope no one ever has to experience or even worry about experiencing. I was seeing everything unfold on my phone as the show was going on and then it was interrupted so that everyone would know what was going on. I think that’s when it became real because it didn’t feel real…The audience was unaware of all the comotion the front of house staff was facing, everyone was calling and texting loved ones while crying. When the show was over and we had to leave the building, everything felt so strange. We were told to leave through Broadway for security reasons, but nothing felt safe.”
–Governor Phil Murphy wishes Officer Samuel Molina-Urena a “full and speedy recovery”.
–The New Jersey Attorney General’s Office states that one suspect who opened fire at police was shot and declared deceased at 7:13 pm in Palisades Hospital. Three firearms were recovered near him. They also state that police received a call around 6:30 concerning a domestic dispute.
-Mayor Gabriel Rodriguez gives a statement concerning Friday’s shooting. You can read it here. He thanks the New Jersey Attorney General’s Office, the Hudson County Prosecutor, and the West New York Police Department for their work.
–The New Jersey Attorney General’s Office identifies the deceased suspect as Kevin Colindres, 32.
Residentes del pueblo de West New York se han quedado en estado de “shock” despues de un tiroteo en la calle 59 y Hudson, que se cree que empezo a las 7 o 8 de la tarde. Esto es todo lo que sabemos desde ahora:
-Un policia, Samuel Molina-Urena, fue herido y esta en el hospital. El esta en condicion estable.
-El equipo SWAT de el condado de Hudson esta presente.
-Por lo menos un sospechoso murio.
-Presencia de policia esta fuerte y permanecera por 48-72 horas para investigar.
-El Procurador General de Nueva Jersey esta supuesto a dar una declaracion el lunes.
-Un hombre salio de una casa y comenzo a disparar a la policia y a un testigo. La condicion del testigo es desconocido.
-Emelissa Aquino estaba caminado a la escuela intermedia de West New York a las 7. “Yo oi de lo que estaba pasando, pero para ser honesta, pensaba que todo ya se habia resuelto porque habia mucha policia en la calle. Llegue a la escuela a las 7:21. La escuela no permitio entrar ni salir a nadie. Y la policia estaba diciendole a padres que tenian salir de la area. Me habian dicho que habian detenido los sospechosos. Me sentia mas en paz pero rumores empezaron a salir de la situacion y no sabia que creer.”
-Todavía no hay ningún comentario o declaración del alcalde.
-David Silva estaba en la escuela intermedia para la presentacion de baile de Memorial High School. El dice: “Honestamente, ayer fue algo que espero que nadie tenga que pasar. Estaba viendo todo pasar en mi telefono durante la presentacion y despues anunciaron lo que estaba pasando para que todos sepan. Ahi fue que el momento nos impacto todos, porque no se sentia real hasta que lo anunciaron…La audiencia no sabia lo que estaba pasando con los personal de recepcion, todos estaban llamando y enviando mensajes de texto a sus seres queridos y lloraban. Cuando la presentacion se acabo y teniamos que irnos, todo se sentia tan raro. Nos dijeron que teniamos que irnos por la calle Broadway por razones de seguridad, pero nada se sentia seguro.”
–La oficina del Procurador General de Nueva Jersey dice que el sospechoso que comenzo a disparar a la policia fue declarado muerto en el hospital Palisades a las 7:13 de la noche. Tres armas de fuego fueron recuperado por donde el estaba. Ellos tambien informan que la policia recibio una llamada de una disputa domestica a las 6:30 esa noche.
-El alcalde Gabriel Rodriguez da una declaracion sobre el tiroteo del viernes. Lo puedes leer aqui. El expreso su gratitud a la oficina del Procurador General de Nueva Jersey, el Fiscal de Hudson County, y el Departamento de Policia de West New York por todo su trabajo.